愛 土地

遊遊媽  筆









<文內相片拍攝於 基石華德福>



Jason Yang  筆


但就在過去幾年,我發現了我孩子因渴望而產生要求的小秘密 : 有時我們外出逛街,小孩總不例外地嚷著要買糖果、餅乾和玩具,但這些得不到的要求卻都不致於誘出那藏匿於孩子裡可怕的脾氣怪獸;而真正能處理脾氣怪獸的卻是最初我給孩子的那份「承諾」,在簡單的愛中許下的那份「承諾」。


The spring in the year of 2010 was filled with blessing. Our first child arrived in a local hospital not far from our dormitory, and we knew our little one could not wait to meet us. Our girl was out right before tea time. Later that afternoon, we met for the first time. While mommy was resting, I placed her in my arms. I looked at her, and she looked back at me. When she held on to my pinky with her tiny hand, I realized I became a dad. I leaned over and whispered, “Don’t worry, I will always be there for you.” She replied gladly, “I know!” That was my first promise to my child, and we both agreed upon. With the second and third children, I also gave them my word to look after them.

As my children grew older and started reading stories, they learnt and became very sensitive to the idea of “promise,” and wanted us to pinky swear on everything to secure their interests that must be met. Of course, interests they have on their minds are always bigger and more important than any of adults’ works, but the intention behind is very simple – want to be loved.
My time is limited and divided, but my love for them, as far as I know, is growing every single day. Like most parents it is very difficult to satisfy all the wants from our children to the full extent of desire. In the past years, I have discovered the secret of my children’s wants.

When we are out shopping, my children would crave for cookies, candies, and toys just like most of the kids, but that desire would never unleash the tantrum beast inside them. One morning a thought came cross my mind while we were having breakfast in the dining room. I asked the children if they wanted to go to the park nearby. Their sleepy eyes suddenly opened wide and shouted out unanimously, “YES!” Those radiant smiles on their faces while paddling against the gentle summer breeze caught my attention. At that moment I realized the enjoy of bicycle riding in the park was something I mentioned to them a few week earlier, and I was too busy to put it off many times.

I know my children are keeping track of my promises, and I intend to keep them as long as I live. This is their wants, and love is what I would like them to experience through promise, hope, and companionship that are deeply rooted in our faith.


愛 植物

沐榕園藝社  筆


藉由先進的繩索技術,可以安全地在樹上穿梭,用雙手去感受到樹皮的光滑與粗糙,也可以用身體去感受到樹幹的強壯與承載力,正因如此,我們得以在樹上與樹親近,發現它所看見的景色,並用所有感官去感受到它的生命力!因著這樣的技術讓我們近距離的與樹接觸,來幫它做安全與健康的檢查,還幫它修剪去乾枯腐朽的枝條,我喜歡將此稱作為「友善修剪」 。樹木帶給人們許多的貢獻,但因為我們對樹木還有很多被傳統思維所轄制住的觀念,形成許多誤解,讓有些人想要把它趕盡殺絕,恨不得離它遠遠地,甚至連多數的園藝單位還會以不當地修剪、粗魯砍亂鋸地剃光頭等方式來修剪這些樹木。樹沒有嘴巴,沒辦法說話,但它有身體語言,我們應該要看懂它的身體語言,然後幫它說話,人人都可以是樹醫生,只要你我從身邊的公園行道樹做起,培養正確的樹木生理常識,了解它、愛護它,慢慢地與樹木建立美好的關係,最終就能做到友善樹木、友善土地、友善地球。

Did you hear the birds chirping on the tree and the leaves flattering with the wind?
Did you see the leaves and the flowers weaving into miraculous patterns of colors?
Did you taste the delicious fruits produced by that tree?
Maybe you did all that, but have you tried to touch the trees that live among us?

By using the advanced rope access, one can safely climb up trees, feel the smoothness and roughness of their skin by hand, and feel the strength and capacity when standing on the branches. As we get intimate with the trees, we get to share their perspectives and to feel their vitalities. Thus, when there is a need to perform health and safety examinations, we can then trim away only the necessary dry twigs, which I like to call it as “friendly trim.”

Trees bring lots of contribution to the human kind. But because we are blinded by the traditional way of handling trees, and thus misunderstanding, the lives of trees are usually destroyed or removed without mercy. Even majority of gardening professionals would trim inappropriately or prune completely when tidying up the trees. Although trees do not speak, they do signal body language. We should learn to interpret their body language to help voice out for them. Everyone can be an arborist (tree doctor) by learning basic tree physiology and practicing proper tree care in the parks and on the streets. When we try to understand and love trees, we can gradually build a good relationship with them, which would then befriend the trees, the soil, and the Earth.